Sunday, June 23, 2013

A message from Laura

What can I say about the run yesterday?  Our family arrived at Buffalo Park just before 7:00 am.  I got out of the car and immediately started to cry.  I was completely overwhelmed already!  As it neared 7:15, I looked back at the entrance from where I was standing and was floored by the number of people in purple shirts.  I was later told that there were over 600 people there….FOR US! God has done another amazing work!  He brought many unsaved people yesterday that were able to hear Mark and Tom give all the glory to God before and after the races.  The Lord also gave me abundant energy and endurance to handle the day and to walk the 2K without any difficulty.  The sores in my mouth and throat have also improved greatly from a few days ago.  His power was definitely visible in my weakness!

Today we enjoyed visiting the website and looking all the wonderful pictures that Stephen Prober took!  Wow!

Laura getting her groove on....

lovin the music


  1. I love how Laura is clutching the back of Mark's shirt in the may have just been on accident but it represents the strength they are showing as a godly couple while going through this hardship together. In sickness and in health...

  2. It was a amazing day of love, Grace, courage, bonding. So thankful for the Lords Amazing Grace. Hugs Roni ♥
