Sunday, August 4, 2013

Technology for God

Flower Darby
The Use of Smartphones

God gives us joy.
We should fight to where God puts us to find the joys and blessings he will give to us.
Plan and schedule your time accordingly to use your resources wisely so that you can make the most out of every opportunity to be in God's word.

If you have a smartphone, computer, kindle, iPad or other tablet search for apps that will help you listen or read  God's word.

Questions to think about:
1.  Does the concept of fighting and joy seem counter intuitive to you?  How might it possible to reconcile these two apparently contradictory concepts?

2.  What resources might you acquire to use in your fight for joy?

3.  Identify 2 or 3 actions you can take today to engage in the fight for joy.  Will you download a new app?  visit Download some sermons to listen to while you clean?  Schedule a time in your day to make use of one of these tools?

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