Thursday, July 4, 2013

When Life Gets You Down

When Life Gets You Down
Turn To God

Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and strength,
always ready to help in times of trouble.

encouragement for the soul
Rain DayAre you feeling overwhelmed with life and just not sure how you are going to get through the day? Do you feel so much pain that you just want to give up sometimes? For some people this is a daily challenge and for others it's occasional. We live in such a broken world that these challenges are more common than you may think. For Christians just witnessing the terrible things that go on around us that goes against God can be enough to get you down, or to see so many people who are not yet saved can be overwhelming. Sometimes the hardest challenge is to watch another Christian go through something that may seem so unfair when you know they are following Jesus.
So who do we turn to when life gets us down?
God brings comfort to those who have heavy burdens;
He is who we need to turn to.

Something to Ponder
God is bigger than your biggest fear and your deepest pain, He promises us refuge, strength, and help during troubled times. Nobody else is capable of doing all these things so who are you going to turn to when life gets you down? Jesus is waiting for you with open arms, invite Him into your heart.

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