Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dedicate Yourself to the Holy Spirit

The Prayer,

"Lord I dedicate myself to Your Holy Spirit.  I see Your truthful words laid out in the scriptures.  I am committing myself to a life of prayer and worship.  Lord strengthen me in these things that I may always continue in Your daily abiding presence."

The Lord's Answer,

"Beloved, come close to me.  Sit close by my side.  I want to be near to you.  Will you be near to me?  Take the time to be with me today.  Give me the attention that I deserve.  My eyes always steadily fixed on you.  I love peering deep into your eyes, I'm captivated by your beauty!  You have me head over heels.  I'm so in love with you.

Fix yours on me  also, and look into my eyes.  Show me that you care for me.  Do not leave me in anticipation.  My heart swells within me when you wake.  "This morning is my chance to be with my beloved!"  Do not ignore me.  Give me your day!  If you don't you'll break my heart!

How can we grow in our relationship if you aren't spending more time with me?  I'm always pursuing you. All day long I"m reaching for you!  I long to take you into my arms, hide away somewhere and hold you.

Look for me in the secret place.  I'm waiting for you there to be with you.  Look for me by your side while you work.  I'm with you even when you're thoughts aren't with me.  Remember my love for you, and let your passion grow for me.  I deserve your continuous attention!  Be with me and I will lift you up.  I will edify you, and your heart shall rejoice in the abundance of my love.

If you do not sit with me, you cannot experience my daily love.  If you do not experience my daily love you will never go forward to produce the fruits of my love.

You won't know what my love looks like, so then how can you show anyone my love?  Sit by my side and let Me hold you now.  Let Me captivate you with My passion.  Then go and captivate others with My love."

Taken from The 7 most powerful prayers that will change your life forever by Adam Houge

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