Thursday, November 28, 2013

God's Faithfulness to His People

Psalm 105

How great is my God,
and how I love to sing His praises!
Whereas I am often frightened
when I think about the future,
and confused and disturbed
by the rapidly changing events about me,
my heart is secured and made glad
when I remember how He has 
cared for me throughout the past.

When I was brought forth from my mother's womb,
God's hand was upon me.
Through parents and people who cared,
He loved and sheltered me
and set me upon His course for my life.
Through illness and accident
my God has sustained me.
Around pitfalls and precipices
He has safely led me.
When I became rebellious
and struck out on my own,
He waited patiently for me to return.
When I fell on my face in weakness and failure,
He gently set me upon my feet again.
He did not always prevent me from hurting myself,
but He took me back to heal my wounds.
Even out of the broken pieces of my defeats
He created a vessel of beauty and usefulness.

Through trials and errors, failures and successes,
my God has cared for me.
From infancy to adulthood
He has never let me go.
His love has led me-or followed me-
through the valleys of sorrow 
and the highlands of joy,
through times of want
and years of abundance.
He has bridged impassable rivers
and moved impossible mountains.
Sometimes through me,
sometimes in spite of me,
He seeks to accomplish His purposes in my life.

He has kept me through the stormy past;
He will secure and guide me
through the perilous future.
I need never be afraid,
no matter how uncertain
the months or years ahead of me.
How great is my God,
and how I love to sing His praises!

(Psalms/Now by Brandt/Corita)

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