Sunday, December 29, 2013

Celebrate Recovery

Psalm 30:11
Celebrate Your Recovery by John Baker from Celebrate Recovery Daily Devotional
You turned my wailing into dancing; You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise You forever. — Psalm 30:11–12
Have you ever wondered why Celebrate Recovery is called Celebrate Recovery? Well... people usually seek help when things are bad. Which means none of us has much to celebrate when we first enter the program. That isn’t always the case, of course, but most often people begin coming to Celebrate Recovery when things are far from ideal.
But soon God begins to change things. He takes our pain and gives us purpose. He takes our crying and turns it into praise. He gives us joy and peace and freedom from our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. He gives us reason to celebrate.
Of course, it doesn’t happen all at once. There will still be days when we hurt, feel stuck, or don’t feel like there is much to celebrate. There are sure to be hard times in recovery, pain we have to face, amends we have to make, forgiveness we must offer. But for those who hold on, there is hope and healing. There is reason to celebrate!
The important thing to remember is that we must hold fast to our commitment. We must refuse to quit.
Each day you actively work toward your recovery, you will be able to thank God and share your testimony with someone who needs to hear it.
Each day we come one step closer to complete healing for our lives.
Father, I feel stuck right now. Please give me the resolve to continue to seek recovery and discover your freedom. Amen.
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Your Turn
Do you feel stuck? As you keep seeking the Lord's help in whatever area you struggle with, have you looked around for people who could be encouraged by your testimony? Even if you're just a little way down the road to recovery — and no matter what you're in recovery for — someone can benefit from what you've learned! 

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