Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Did You Forget?

Did you forget what the Christmas Spirit is?  Did you get sucked into the world for a moment to put a frown on your face?  Did you grumble and complain the moment you heard Christmas music on your favorite radio station the day after Thanksgiving?

So I was cutting potatoes this morning for breakfast and as I was cutting them thoughts came to me about the Christmas season.  Words from a devotion that briefly read rather quickly (not sure why, I think my concentration got broken when the room filled with people)

I started to think about how I've been feeling lately.  I've dreaded going to the stores to see all the Christmas stuff out and the things they have in aisles trying to get people to spend money on gifts.  I've been a little down because my daughter wants to Club Volleyball and I don't know how to make that happen.  I've not been into listening quite yet to Christmas music and I love it when I start listening to it.  I've thought about how many hours I worked last year during the season and now I'm not working right now.

Sadly I have to say that I've been sucked into the world view of the season and I'm not happy about that.  It's the season for us to focus on Jesus, for our hope to be renewed and a time to know the blessings and joys that we have because of Jesus.  The music and the decorations should just be signs that help us to remember, to focus and to know where our focus should be.

I may not be the only one that one that has briefly fell to the world's view of the Christmas Season so as a reminder to myself and to you I have copied that devotional that I read this morning (now reading it slowly and closely) for you to read, to help keep the focus Heavenward and joyous in this wonderful season.  As I write this post I have Christmas music on in the background.  My heart is lighting up and my mind is seeking peace and joy instead of worries and complaints of what I think I lack when I really don't.  I'm rejoicing in thoughts of our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus.  I'm thankful that that this devotional caught my attention. Thank you Lord.  Now I will share....

Heavenly Herald

Heavenly Herald by Billy Graham
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.— John 10:10
Christmas is not just a date on the calendar. It is not just an annual holiday. It is not a day to glorify selfishness and materialism. Christmas is the celebration of the event that set Heaven to singing, an event that gave the stars of the night sky a new brilliance.
Christmas tells us that at a specific time and at a specific place, a specific person was born. That person was (in the words of an ancient Christian creed)
“God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God.” That person was the Lord, Jesus Christ.
And from the lips of Him who came fell these words: “The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). Like piercing trumpets, these words heralded the divine. They declared that Heaven had come to our rescue and that God had not left us to stumble alone on Earth’s pathway.
What a wonderful and glorious hope we have because of that first Christmas!
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Your Turn
Don't you wish you could hear the Heavenly Herald singing that celebrates the rescue of mankind by the birth of Jesus Christ? Christmas carols such as Joy to the World and Handel's Messiah give us a glimpse of the majestic worship service in Heaven that we'll join. Meditate today on the history-shattering event of the birth of Christ. Play Christmas music in your home and in your car! And sing! 

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