Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Complex Issue of Justice

For the Lord your God is God of gods
and the Lord of lords, the great God,
mighty and awesome, who shows no
partiality and accepts no bribes.  He
defends the cause of the fatherfless and
the widow, and loves the foreigner
residing among you, giving them food 
and clothing.
Deuteronomy 10:17-18 NIV

God created the world.  He made every single person on this earth.  And he passionately cares about every one.  God calls us to be in the world, to notice the pain around us.  We may not be able to solve everyone's problem, but we can offer a listening ear or support to someone in need.

Sure we may feel overwhelmed.  God's  intention isn't that we solve every issue or help every person.  We simply stick close to him and let him show us folks to love and help.  Obedience in that small scale, if done by every single Jesus-follower, leads to massive help.  Together, we make a difference.

Jesus, help me see today who I can love, who I can encourage,who I can listen to.
Help me remember that one small act, when joined with others,
changes the landscape of poverty and injustice.
(Daily Gifts of Hope )

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