Friday, January 17, 2014

Have Thine Own Way

Know that the Lord is God.  It is he who made us, and war are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.  Psalm 100:3

"Thou art the potter, I am the clay."  Those are ringing words from the song "Have Thine Own Way" that stirs up emotions and a desire to allow God to mold us and make us in His image.  But what a hard thing to do.  We strive to create our own worlds, to make a plan, to fix it.  However God asks us to allow Him free rein.

Sheep follow their shepherd and trust in him for provision.  "As in his presence humbly I bow."  Submissive to their masters, they quietly graze the hillsides knowing the shepherd knows best.  What a wonderfully relaxing word picture: relying on God's guidance and timing, following His lead.

It is a simple prayer to ask Him to help us give up control, yet not a simple task.  In obedience to His Word, we can bow our heads and as for the Holy Spirit's direction and take our hands from the steering wheel.  Then wait, quietly on our hillsides, not chomping at the bit; hearts "yielded and still". We wait for the still, small voice.  This day, resolve to listen and follow.

Lord, we humbly bow before You and ask for Your divine guidance.  Help us to follow your plan with yielded hearts, ever ready to give up control to You.  Amen

Daily Wisdom for women-January 2014 devotional

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