Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Step aside

I love the Lord because He hath heard my voice and my supplications.  Psalm 116:1

You cannot expect an answer from God unless your will is gone.  You shut out answers to your prayer because you have a will about the thing for which you are praying.  Edward Dennett

If you are finding that your prayers are not being answered, may I suggest to step aside.  Step aside and take a look, are the desires from deep in your heart or just desires on the surface with your wants and needs only in mind?

There are times that our prayers are answered but we are unaware of it until later.  God answers our deepest prayers that are in our heart and soul....not the shallow end of our selves.  Thankfully he does answer in that way, it is always better when he does despite our lack of understanding at times.

God is good.  He is always good.
If you find yourself confused, take a moment to step aside and let the Lord answer you with His desires and plans for you.  He knows best when we do not.

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