Saturday, December 13, 2014

Love one another

Romans 12:9-10, 14,16

Let love be genuine.  Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.  Love one another with brotherly affection.  Outdo one another in showing honor.

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 

Live in harmony with one another.....

These verses jumped off of the page to me.  I am struggling with negative relationships in my life and have been for a long time now, but the season of the Holidays has enhanced it more.  I will admit that I do find it very hard to show love, tenderness and kindness when I don't feel it.  Yet it amazes me that the moment I say I can't or won't I find that I can.  That is only because I have Christ and I'm so so grateful.  

Everyone needs love and kindness shown to them no matter where they find themselves.  Its not for us to hold back a gift that was given to all from our Heavenly Father to be shared.  So if you find yourself struggling to love a hard person in your life as I do let's look over these verses and many more in the book of truth, and meditate on them.  Pray to the Lord and ask him to help you and then let it go and you will be standing in awe wondering what just happened.....and you will have a warm feeling in your heart and maybe even a smile on your face.

We can show Christ's love to others, through him all things are possible.

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