Monday, April 13, 2015

Our Treasures

Matthew 6:19-24

Christ warns against living for the physical treasures of here and now.  He warns against investing all of the gifts, talents, time, resources, and energy of your life on the impermanent and unsatisfying treasures of physical earth.  But it is scary how magnetic and powerful these "treasures" are, I never wake up in the morning and say, "I want my joy to be the single, life-organizing treasure of my life," but somehow it becomes that.  I never say, "Today I will get my identity, meaning, and purpose from another human being," yet somehow the affection of a certain person becomes my treasure.  I never say, "I have decided to find all of my personal happiness in the possession of material things", yet more and more I am living to acquire.  Even though I have never made a conscious decision to make these things my treasure, the physical values of earth hook and enslave me.  I never say, "I will make power and control the thing of highest value in my life," but somehow it is.  I never say, "I will make the success of my children the central treasure of my life," yet somehow it happens.

We weren't created to find our satisfaction in the little, earthbound kingdom treasures of the here and now.  We were created to seek a better treasure, and in so doing to be eternally grateful and satisfied.
Paul David Tripp

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