Thursday, April 2, 2015

Our Work for You

Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands.  Psalm 90:17

Lord, I thank you for the abilities You have given me.  Where I am lacking in skill help me to grow and improve so that I do my work well.  Teach me to excel so that the result of what I do will be pleasing to others.  Open doors of opportunity to use my skills and close doors that I am not to go through.  Give me wisdom and direction about that.

I commit my work to You, Lord, knowing You will establish it (Proverb 16:3).  May it always be that I love the work I do and be able to do the work I love.  According to Your Word I pray that I will not lag in diligence in my work, but remain fervent in spirit, serving You in everything I do.  (Romans 12:11)  Establish the work of my hands so that what I do will favor with others and be a blessing for many.  May it always be glorifying to You.

In your name, Amen

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