Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Thankful for Your Book

I glorify You for the bible--that wonderful, written revelation of You and Your plan.  As snow and rain fall from the skies to meet our needs, so You have condensed Your thoughts--which are vastly higher than all human thoughts--into written-down form.  I'm so grateful that You cared enough to communicate with us in this clear, unchanging, always-accessible way, so that Your thoughts are now available at all times to refresh and nourish and teach me...and that You are still a communicating God, speaking these words to me as I am attentive to You, as I read and meditate with a listening heart.  What a privilege it is to store Your Word in my heart, where You can use it at any moment to bless me and guide keep me from sinning against You...and to be a storehouse of inspired words that the Spirit can bring to my mind to help others.

Thank you that in Your word I can see Your face and hear Your voice.  I can discover Your will and Your patterns for living and serving.  I can develop deeper faith and confidence.  Thank You that the Holy Spirit inspired Your Word and uses it to enlighten and guide me, and to change me more and more into Your image, from one degree of glory to another.

All scripture is inspired by God and profitable fro teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.  2 Timothy 3:16-17

By Ruth Myers with Warren Myers (Enjoying God Anew)

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