Thursday, October 3, 2013

Psalms 33

God is here-let's celebrate!
With song and with dance,
with stringed instruments and brass,
with cymbals and drums,
let us express ecstatic joy in God's presence.
Let us celebrate withe the old songs of praise.
Let us also create new songs
that portray the eternal love of our God.

He die create this world.
He continues to permeate it with His love.
Even among its frustrated and unbelieving children,
He constantly carries our His purposes.
His plans for His world and its inhabitants
are not obliterated by the foolishness of men.
His truth is not blotted out by the lethargy or lies
of His apathetic creatures.
He continues to reign and to reveal Himself to us.

And God continues to create and to renew
the world about us.
He does this through those who relate to Him,
who rely on His ever-present love.
He delivers His children from the fear of death
and through them gives life to this world.
God's love is sure and everlasting.
Hearts open to His love are filled with joy.
They truly find cause for celebration.

Taken from Psalms/Now
by Brandt/Corita

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