Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sing to Him!

There is something about singing especially when you don't feel like it, that mends your heart's tattered wings.  It's not a cure-all, but it's a beginning toward recovery for our souls.  We are fragile, and when our hearts are shattered, we can't work up a song on our own.  God will have to orchestrate it; then it's up to us to sing, sing, sing.  It may be a verse from Scripture, a song you've heard before that suddenly becomes personal, or something God's Spirit whispers into your thoughts.  Music can help you find your way home.  Every note a lantern,  Every phrase a path. (Daily Gifts of Hope)

Lord, please put your song in our hearts.  Help us sing to you, regardless of our situation, knowing that you are in control.  Amen

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