Sunday, November 23, 2014

Clap or Hands, Shout it out!

Psalm 47

Clap your hands, stamp your feet!
Let your bodies and your voices
explode with joy.
God is not some human concoction.
He is for real! And He is here!
Despite all attempts
to rationalize Him out of existence,
He is in our world,
and He reigns over our universe.

The rulers of nations often ignore Him.
Men of learning often pass Him by.
The masses of His creatures substitute
their own little gods in His place
and worship the things they can see and feel.
There are others who build fortresses
about themselves
and manifest no need for God.

Our great God will not be ignored.  
He will not remove Himself from our world.
Let us recognize His presence
and fill the air with His praises.

(psalms/now by brandt/corita)

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