Sunday, November 23, 2014

Great is His Faithfulness

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail,  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:22-23

Waiting on God:  Trust in His Timing

As we prepare for Thanksgiving Day and a week of Thankfulness, I have observed that sometimes being thankful is an act of determination in the face of worries, doubts, fear, and anxiety.  It's an act of faith in the goodness of God,  to trust in His awesome provision, and a choice to be in command of what we choose to focus on.  If we don't put that all aside then we are hurting God and making ourselves more stessed out than if we would really just let go and let God, then we will really see all we have to be thankful for despite our circumstances in our life right now.  So maybe before we begin a week of thanking God for His abundance, grace and mercy in our lives, we (myself included) work hard and  actively to set aside the worries of the day and orienting our hearts toward thanksgiving and trust?  

Yes, it may not be easy but it isn't impossible with His presence.

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