Saturday, November 15, 2014

Days of Miracles

He replied, "What is impossible
for mortals is possible for God." Luke 18:27

Only faith can look past a seemingly impossible situation and believe that it will change.  We believe you are a God of miracles, Lord.  These are the days of miracles, as were the days of Noah, Moses, and Joseph.  We may not see the seas parted, peoples freed, or congregations caught up to heaven, but through faith we expect wonderful gifts from you. We believe that with you, all things are possible!

There are so many needs of miracles out there Lord, just within our church body there are too many to count.  Needs of healing, situations to find hope, families to be reunited, grief, loss, depression, so many unspoken whispers to you Lord.  We know you are with each one, just gently nudge us to feel your presence in time of need.  With you nothing is impossible, thank you Lord. 

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