Saturday, November 15, 2014

We are to live by faith

Whatever your future, you are called to live by faith today.  Jesus say, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:34)  Jesus wants you to depend on him one day at a time.  Learn not to worry about tomorrow.  To do this you must meditate on who Jesus is.

More than any other passage, Psalm 23 brought Jesus to life for me in my struggles with fatigue. The psalm is full of promises--he provides, he restores my soul, he is with me, his goodness and mercy pursue me all of my days  Make this psalm your own.  Jesus, your good Shepherd, will fill you with confidence.  God doesn't meet us the way we want, but he does restore us.  No matter what you are facing, you have a Shepherd who is with you, restoring you, and bringing good things--himself--into your life.  Learn to trust him, and you truly have something worth living and dying for.

by David Powlison


The Lord is my constant companion.
There is no need that He cannot fulfill.
Whether His course for me points
to the mountaintops of glorious ecstasy
or to the valleys of human suffering,
He is by my side,
He is ever present with me.
He is close beside me
when I tread the dark streets of danger,
and even when I flirt with death itself,
He will not leave me.
When the pain is severe,
He is near to comfort.
When the burden is heavy,
He is there to lean upon.
When depression darkens my soul,
He touches me with eternal joy.
When I feel empty and alone,
He fills the aching vacuum with His power.
My security is in His promise
to be near to me always,
and in the knowledge
that He will never let me go.

(Psalms/Now by Brandt/Corita)

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