Friday, February 13, 2015

God's provision in time of need

What we often don't realize is that behind the scenes, before He ever flung the stars into space, God had today in mind.  He had this very week in mind.  In fact, He had you in mind.  An He knew exactly what He was going to do.  God is never at a loss to know what He's going to do in our situations.  He knows perfectly well what is best for us.  Our problem is, we don't know.  And we say to Him "Lord, if You just tell me, then I'll be in great shape..."  But that's not faith.  Faith is counting on Him when we do not know what tomorrow holds.

Each new dawn it's as if God smiles from heaven, saying
"Hope again....hope again!"

God's Provision (In time of Need) Charles R. Swindoll

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