Sunday, July 28, 2013

Psalm 8

O God,
how full of wonder and splendor You are!

I see the reflections of Your beauty
and hear the sounds of Your majesty
wherever I turn,
Even the babbling of babes
and the laughter of children
spell out Your name in indefinable syllables.

When I gaze into star-studded skies
and attempt to comprehend the vast distances,
I contemplate in utter amazement
my Creator's concern for me.
I am dumbfounded that You
should care personally about me.

And yet You have made me in Your image.
You have called me Your son.
You have ordained me as Your priest
and chosen me to be Your servant.
You have assigned to me
the fantastic responsibility
of carrying on Your creative activity.

O God,
how full of wonder and splendor You are!

By Leslie F. Brandt Psalms/Now

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