Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Psalm 46

Our great God is still our Refuge and Strength;
He is ever aware of our problems and fears.
Thus we have no business doubting Him,
even though the earth is convulsed in tragedy
or its human masses are threatened
by nuclear annihilation.

God continues to reign as all-wise
and as almighty as ever.
His eternal plan is not canceled out
by the whims of men
or the freakish accidents of nature.
Nations will destroy each other;'
civilizations will perish;
the earth itself may one day become
a smoking cinder, but God will not leave us.
He is forever our sure Refuge and Strength.

Just look about you; read the pages of history.
Refresh your flagging spirits with the reminder
of His great feats throughout the ages.
And you will again hear Him speaking;
"Relax, stop fretting, and
remember that I am still Your God;
I still hold the reins on this world of yours."

God is here among us;
He continues to be our Refuge and Strength.

(Psalms/Now by Brandt/Cortia)

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